Who To Contact

Who to contact regarding questions or clarification.

Is your question about Instruction or Classroom Content?

  1. First, reach out to your student's teacher.  Can a counselor support as well?
  2. If additional support is needed, reach out to the Administrator of the content area.
  3. If all else, reach out to our Principal.

Is your question related to Student Behavior or Attendance?

If classroom-specific:

  1. First, reach out to your student's teacher.  Can a counselor support as well?
  2. If additional support is needed, reach out to the Administrator student assigned by alpha.
  3. If all else, reach out to our Principal.

If school-wide:

  1. First, reach out to the Administrator of student assigned by alpha.
  2. If all else, reach out to our Principal.

Is your question about School Events or is whole school-based?

If a Student activity, such as a club or athletics:

  1. First, reach out to your student's coach or sponsor.
  2. If additional support is needed, reach out to our Director of Student Activities.
  3. If all else, reach out to our Principal.

If about school curriculum events, registration, etc (not club or athletic)

  1. First, reach out to your student's counselor or the main office at 703-219-2200.
  2. If additional support is needed, reach out to our Director of Student Services.
  3. If all else, reach out to our Principal.